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Fav G I Server Mission GameType Players TimeLeft Age
DEATH FLESH Block Mayhem B CTF 1/50 NA 249 18:08:57
KoBK THE LOVE SHACK by S H DM 4/30 8 249 18:08:57
BHD HOME 22222 E121 TDM 0/50 9 249 18:08:57
!107th CQB CF000 Still water DM 2/26 4 249 18:08:57
Coopwarriors 92MTHRUST.BMS COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
Weirdo's at Wa UX* Tower Ambush TKOTH 0/50 0 249 18:08:57
Tactical Ops Fo c#FFFF00 Snakes TDM 0/30 6 249 18:08:57
RealSnipers RS Facing Worlds/rev TDM 20/50 9 249 18:08:57
DV Sniper northern monkey DM 1/16 16 249 18:08:57
TRN-TDM eagle's roost TDM 0/50 11 249 18:08:57
TTB-TDM-01 Barrels TDM 20/50 14 249 18:08:57
TTB-TDM-02 -TTB- Passcode TDM 0/50 16 249 18:08:57
EID-TDM 365th Satin's City By TDM 0/50 13 249 18:08:57
!FAS -FAS- Small Mean Stre TDM 0/50 4 249 18:08:57
TTB-Testing -TTN- Worms and Chick TDM 0/50 11 249 18:08:57
SUCKER FREE 24/7 PSP Mania 2 ShocknAwe:TDM 0/40 8 249 18:08:57
USA Snipers DV Sniper DM 0/25 8 249 18:08:57
BHD-Snipers DS Fishing Village DM 5/25 23 249 18:08:57
MT- BlackWolf TIO 92 Dneiper Rapids Dam COOP 1/25 NA 249 18:08:57
TIO COOP BHD 1747 COOP 1/25 NA 249 18:08:57
TIO COOP 92 MOD 1 92 The COOP 0/25 NA 249 18:08:57
Nut House (LO) Fort Crazy DM 0/25 27 249 18:08:57
! Real Soldie Wall Jumper A FB 0/50 4 249 18:08:57
! Ao1 Downed Bird TDM TDM 0/50 14 249 18:08:57
USA Snipers-T/S State Fair v2 DM 0/15 16 249 18:08:57
Nation of Snipers Sniper Valley Lodge TDM 0/50 18 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C ALLADINS LAST STAND.b COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C COOP-SNOW-STORM.BMS COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C HOT COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C 82 TRIBUTE-FALLEN ANG COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C Leave Eden COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C The Riot Criminal 2.b COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C BHD Co-op to the cras COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C Gone in 60 COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TheWad's BHD/TS C assassination bureau. COOP 0/16 NA 249 18:08:57
TIO COOP TS 17481 p1gs COOP 2/25 NA 249 18:08:57

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